As Children’s Eye Health and Safety month comes to a close and the kids start heading back to school, it’s important to remember to take care of our children’s vision health throughout the rest of the year as well. School and other high-traffic environments present an opportunity for injury and infection. To maintain our children’s health, we need to regulate their activity and instill good habits that will stick with them through adulthood. Follow these ABC’s:
A is for Activity
Just because summer is over, that doesn’t mean kids are staying inside. Many schools participate in playtime, recess, and PSAL sports. For the younger children, it is important to remind them of the dangerous of sun exposure. Remind them that staring directly at intense sunlight is dangerous for their health. It’s also important to remind them to be careful with toys and other objects they may play with, as to avoid injury and trauma. For the older children through high school, their main concern will most likely be during sports activities. Make sure they’re wearing the appropriate protective gear to keep them from injury and direct sunlight.
B is for Bacteria
At all ages, it’s important to keep a wary eye out for germs and bacteria. Bacterial eye infections are contagious, troublesome, and can cost a child attendance. Remind your children to never rub their eyes, as that can spread infection from the hands. They should also be diligent about washing their hands frequently with antibacterial soap, or hand sanitizer. For the older children, they should be mindful of cleaning up bacteria after sports activities, removing any eye make-up at the end of the day, and changing their contacts as instructed.
C is for Check-Ups
Getting your kids to the doctor can be difficult sometimes. But annual check-ups with an ophthalmologist can help keep you in the know, and detect infections and problems early on. By keeping up with your children’s check-ups, you can avoid potential disasters such as infection, cataracts, and deterioration.
Part of keeping your vision healthy is finding the right doctor. At Beach Eye Medical Group, our doctors have well over 100 years of combined experience in diagnosing, managing, and treating a wide variety of eye conditions. If you’re looking for the best eye doctors in the Huntington Beach area, call us at 714-965-9696 to make an appointment.